Job search in Switzerland in 2015
In order to conduct a successful job search and find the best opportunities on the market, you constantly have to improve your methods. So far, the arrival of new technologies and new standards in managing personal relations hasn't led to a huge revolution in the job search or recruitment process yet. However, some things have become easier (access to job postings, finding the relevant contacts within a company), whereas other things have become more difficult (landing the job, standing out from the ever increasing crowd of candidates). Even though there isn't one specific success formula and different professions or sectors require different approaches, the following three steps will help you create an overall framework for your search.
1. Do your homework and prepare
Looking for a new challenge is a challenge in itself. It is a project which requires preparation and resilience, do not simply rush into it. Knowing what you want and why is key in the identification of professional opportunities. If you are not entirely sure yet, it sometimes helps to screen the job market in a broader manner and look at a range of different positions and sectors. This can give you ideas and lead you to opportunities that you might previously not even have considered. Using this information, a targeted search comes next. It is also important to understand if a new career step really makes sense, in general and at this particular moment. Is it perhaps better to wait a bit and gather more experience in your current role in order to be able to make a vertical move at a later stage instead of a horizontal move now?
Once you have identified your aspirations or even a specific opportunity, ask yourself if you have the right skills or career track to apply for such a position. Don't merely consider your job title and tasks & responsibilities though, also look at skills that you have acquired throughout your career which could be transferred to that position. Answering these (seemingly simple) points from the beginning will make it much easier to create an attractive CV and cover letter. Explain your project to relatives or close friends, give them your file and ask for their feedback in order to make sure everything is clear and to the point. It goes without saying that someone should also proofread your documents thoroughly.
2. Increase the visibility of your profile
In Switzerland, improving your visibility as a candidate obviously starts with your professional network: (former) colleagues, clients, suppliers, external consultants, etc. Don't forget your close friends either, however, people with whom you had frequent professional contact may be your greatest asset as they know how you actually work and they can recommend you without any reservations. Therefore, don't hesitate to inform a few trusted professional contacts about your willingness to change. Using social media, you can further expand your network with interesting connections and with a well drafted profile you might even get approached directly for new opportunities. Don't neglect your XING profile in the German part of Switzerland, but as it seems LinkedIn is being used more actively, at talentzip we advise you to focus on LinkedIn first. Maximize your efforts by raising your profile status to "All Star" and by joining groups and participating in discussions. In addition to social media platforms, you can also register with online CV databases such as's CVcloud or the ones of and
3. Search with all available tools
In addition to your professional and private networks it is important to use a variety of different channels to find the position you aspire to. Don't concentrate your efforts on one channel only. Yes, you might come across the same job 10 times, but it beats missing out on a great opportunity because you didn't look elsewhere too. A mix of the most efficient methods could include the screening of various online job boards, keeping an eye on the growing job sections of professional networks on social media and working with recruitment agencies. There are various pros and cons in working with agencies (which will be the focus of another article), but working with 3 to 5 reliable consultants can open you a great number of doors. Further tools to be taken into account are newspapers. In addition to printed career supplements, most also have online career sections, often with more jobs than in the printed version, a good example being You can also look at industry relevant magazines, both printed and online, and keep an eye on newly published roles on the career sites of (a few) companies of your choice. Some even allow you to create a search agent, so you don't have to visit the site regularly: new positions will be delivered to your inbox. In the end, your search strategy and how or how much you will use each tool will likely depend on the kind of job you are targeting.
As a summary, keep in mind that step 1 is step 1 for a reason. This step is essential, yet often overlooked. Not only for an interviewer, but also for you as a candidate it is important to ask yourself the right questions. It will help you understand where and how to increase your visibility and where to target your search. Also be prepared to be bold on occasion. Obviously you have to make sure to apply for roles which match your experience and skills, but shooting for something a little higher from time to time isn't a bad thing. Lastly, as mentioned your job search is a project which requires resilience, make sure to dedicate enough time to it.
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